![Don Julio Blanco 750ml](http://www.theloosedozen.com.au/cdn/shop/products/Don_Julio_Blanco_750ml.png?v=1597387683&width=480)
The Loose Dozen
Don Julio Blanco 750ml
Don Julio Blanco is a fresh and luxurious joven (young) tequila. Don Julio has been making tequila in Jalisco since 1942. With a reputation for luxurious tequila, Don Julio Blanco is bottled immediately after distillation to maintain as much of the fresh agave flavour as possible. Don Julio Blanco is made from 100% Blue Weber Agave, harvested at the peak of their sweetness and ripeness, often taking 12 years to mature! Don Julio Blanco is twice distilled to produce a complex and silky silver tequila.