The Loose Dozen
Piccini Frapasso Primativo 750ml
The first government records of Primitivo wines date to the 1870s, however church records show the varietal as identified in the late 1700s by Don Francesco Filippo Indellicati, a priest from Gioia del Colle. He spotted the grape that ripened earlier compared to other varieties, hence the name: Primitivo, as in “primis” , the first one to ripen. Don Francesco named it, isolated it and from central Puglia, it spread south to Manduria and down the heel of Italys boot.
This grape does not ripe uniformly therefore the selections of grapes upon arrival to the winery is a must. Once the fruit is categorised in their best lots, the traditional fermentation on skins begins. Following fermentation, the wine is aged for 6 months in oak barrels.